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Article MetaMask Integrates With Brazilian Payment Provider Pix For Instant Crypto Purchases
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September 9, 2022
NewsMetaMask Integrates With Brazilian Payment Provider Pix For Instant Crypto Purchases
MetaMask expands its buy crypto feature directly in the wallet to welcome more Brazilian users to crypto through Pix’s fast and easy payment option.
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Copy LinkYou can now buy crypto through Pix, the instant payment method in Brazil that will fund your MetaMask wallet directly without leaving the app. Instead of using an external exchange, you can buy crypto immediately on MetaMask to participate in Web3 today. The Pix feature is powered by MoonPay , a crypto payments provider that integrated with MetaMask earlier this year.
By clicking the blue “BUY” button in your MetaMask Mobile app people based in Brazil can buy ETH and other tokens directly on these networks:
Binance Smart Chain
Avalanche C-Chain
You can even buy crypto directly in the MetaMask browser extension. The feature takes out unnecessary steps, delays, and transfers to fund your wallet instantly .
What is Pix?
Pix is a Brazilian instant payment service that launched in 2020 to facilitate easy account-to-account transfers. Over 113 million individuals in the country have used the 24/7 virtual service since its launch, embracing the cheap, fast, and convenient digital payment method.
Users with Pix can easily fund their MetaMask wallet through MoonPay , a facilitator to buy and sell crypto.
How do I get started?
To fund your MetaMask wallet with Pix:
Click “BUY” on the home screen to get started
Select “Brazil” as your region
Choose “Pix” as your payment method
Select the token and network you want to purchase on (example: ETH on Ethereum)
Enter the amount you want to buy (example: 1000 BRL)
Select “MoonPay” as your provider. Note: If this is your first time using MoonPay you will be prompted to sign up directly with them.
Review purchase and click “Confirm”
Done, you have successfully bought crypto directly in MetaMask and can now explore Web3 easily on the go. Try dabbling in DeFi, swap your crypto for tokens to participate in online communities (DAOs), and experiment with NFTs! Enjoy this new world that gives you full control of your data and assets.
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